martes, 26 de enero de 2010

Addicted to him =D (ya se, muy pronto)..

Sha ralalalaa Sha ralaalaa Sha ralalalaa la laa
Biting nails may be a normal addiction.
drawing till my hand hurts too.

but you know I'm not a.. ddicted to him
I could stop talkin to him
I could stop seein' him
but you know I'm not a..ddicted to him!
ooh ooooh noooo
I'm not.

Drawin hearts all the time
doesn't mean I'm in love
No, I'm not.. in.. love
That's not my heart
I love drawin' hearts but ..
you know I'm not addicted to hiiim!


I could stop seein' him......

I could stop talkin to him.... but you know.. I'm not.

I'm not in love
but I'd probably love love
and I...hope some day love drops by.. ♥

1 notitas! :D:

Cris dijo...

Esta genial!! me encanta, enserio tenes un talento natural para escribir =)=)=) grax por todos los commets k me dejas!!! (3 me encantan!!!

Bueno, cuidate!!

bye!!! =)=)=)=)